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Green Tour 2022

“This is a sustainable musical tour challenge of Berlin-based Turkish artist Uygur Vural.”
In this challenge, I traveled from Berlin to Lisbon, via Lyon, Paris, Barcelona, and Madrid.
The aim of the trip was;
  • traveling slowly with my cello in a more sustainable way to leave less carbon footprint for my musical trips,
  • meet and exchange my music and art with as many local musicians as a possible artist on the way and,
  • encourage them to think and travel sustainably for Music.
I visited;
3 countries,
3 international Festivals,
3 album recordings and many sessions, concerts,
5 cities,
29 days,
+60 musicians to meet
8000 km long road
and traveled sustainably.
This Project kindly supported by Goethe Institute

Abstract of the Project


I want to;
  • … be sustainable and create a smaller footprint. Mobility is really important for musicians. For sharing, learning, and becoming more productive. Nevertheless, it is more difficult for musicians because we have to carry our big size instruments with us. Airlines are not flexible with musicians. We buy an extra seat for instruments and this causes 2 times more carbon footprint
  • … travel economically. Generally, we pay for extra seats from our pocket. Also, we struggle a lot in airports and flights. That’s why we necessarily need travel alternatives and sustainable options.
  • … be an example, have a slow, long, environmental, and sustainable travel experience, encourage collages, and create awareness.
  • … discover alternatives for the future, 
  • Finally, experience a slow and sustainable trip with this grant.
  • ​


May 17th 2022 to June 14th 2022.


Berlin to Lyon by train.
Lyon to Paris by train
Paris to Barcelona by train
Barcelona to Madrid by train
Madrid to Lisbon by bus
Lisbon to Atouguia da Baleia by Bus
Cities: Only public transportation, no Taxi (suitability declaration)

Abstract of the Project


I want to;
  • … be sustainable and create a smaller footprint. Mobility is really important for musicians. For sharing, learning, and becoming more productive. Nevertheless, it is more difficult for musicians because we have to carry our big size instruments with us. Airlines are not flexible with musicians. We buy an extra seat for instruments and this causes 2 times more carbon footprint
  • … travel economically. Generally, we pay for extra seats from our pocket. Also, we struggle a lot in airports and flights. That’s why we necessarily need travel alternatives and sustainable options.
  • … be an example, have a slow, long, environmental, and sustainable travel experience, encourage collages, and create awareness.
  • … discover alternatives for the future, 
  • Finally, experience a slow and sustainable trip with this grant.
  • ​


May 17th 2022 to June 14th 2022.


Berlin to Lyon by train.
Lyon to Paris by train
Paris to Barcelona by train
Barcelona to Madrid by train
Madrid to Lisbon by bus
Lisbon to Atouguia da Baleia by Bus
Cities: Only public transportation, no Taxi (suitability declaration)


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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